30 June 2012

The cactus heart.

When I was little, I thought cacti didn't have blossoms.
Later on, I found out they do!
This is what my cactus looks like.
If you want one too, let me know so I can have it reproduce.

29 June 2012

The soap heart.

First, think of all the mass production supermarket soap bars.
Then, think of babies.
Of how much soap they'd use if they knew how.

Well, babies will never master the art of using soap.
But this is what "never to be used" baby soap looks like.

28 June 2012

The obesity heart.

An obesity pill has just come out in the United States.

It seems clear to me that instead of laboratory work and pill production, the United States should have focused  more on making its food better. Without thinking about the massive junk food industry damage.

So let's all grab our XL sodas, our scyscraperish burgers, our towers of ham and oily bacon, our filthy lakes of fries, and let's all make a toast. Cheers to yet another sad example of our lack of humanism.

27 June 2012

The cross hearts.

Never to be crucified. On the name of nothing and noone.

26 June 2012

The AEK heart.

It all begins with trust.
When you are little, they'll teach you loads.
They'll teach you manners, they'll teach you laws.
They'll teach you ideals by using stories of do's and dont's.
What food is right, beliefs to drop.
Religious matters, football support.
And then you'll grow and be a man.
Same team supporters, father and son.

How little do I know about the meaning of this drawing.
And how I sense the lifelong dreams, the damaged means of one single football team.

Beyond the letters, beyond the heart, I can see the mindblowing glow in a fan's eyes. And all this sparkle started with trust.

Drawing made by Alexis.

25 June 2012

The teeth hearts.

Now, have you ever seen teeth like these? With a bit of playful sharpening, you can get the result of the picture. With their thin, almost non existent bottoms, these teeth will put anyone off eating. Weight loss becomes more fun than ever.

Drawing made by Diana.

24 June 2012

The Pitsi heart.

In one of his many honeysweet dreams...
Pitsi was a cowboy.
He fought in Troy with warring joy.
He wore a silver  helmet with shiny, precious stones.
And no, Zeus, no, his face was never shown.
His muscles grew, and would you believe it, his swords were blue!
The war was won and Pitsi heard the chorus voices calling him home.
Kings and queens, soccer refs, azuki beans, all of them gathered on rose-petaled streets upon the victory.
They offered Pitsi olive wreaths, they offered pies and textured hearts and hi-tech, gadgets cuisines.
When bedtime came, Pitsi was blessed.
He let out a sigh, his eyelids closed.
And in a flash, morning had come.
The textured heart stood there, on Pitsi's chest.
That's how he knew.
The honoured hero self. The Troy deal. Victory meal. It'd all been for real.

23 June 2012

The Romanian heart.

What happens in Buckarest when austerity measures hit the country? This.

Source: www.mylady.gr

21 June 2012

The tree branch heart.

When you really see, vision is limitless. And so are the infinite possibilities of human imagination.
Unconsciously promoting love in all dimensions, all forms, is the goal.

20 June 2012

The 550 bus  heart.

Bus, trash, daily rush. Mummbles, gumbles, apple crumbles.
You may observe or may just want a purpose to serve.
It's not defacing, it's crisis facing.
Such heart action making is never wrong.
One lets it out, wondering if the bus heart will ever grow to be strong.

19 June 2012

The street heart.

It could be oil, it can't be soil.
It could be water, lying on matter.
Whatever it is, it's got a spark,
Transforming concrete,
Into rock-hard love.

18 June 2012

The "post-election pill" heart.

We need it.
A pill. A tablet. A capsule.
To boost confidence.
To revive the poor, over-consumed organs.
To turn the volume of despair two scales down, even more.
To make the noise go away.
To extinguish, step on, kill, murder, make disappear, erase, remove, make vanish the strong and proud ego.
In the name of collectiveness and shared standards of living, we need it.

And if you even think that all this is exagerated, you are a newborn baby shit of a thinker.

17 June 2012

The pre-election heart.

Don't search for meanings.
This is an abstract picture that could have infinite interpretations.
But most importantly, don't search for the truth.

Thanks to Anna for sending me this.

16 June 2012

The t-shirt heart.

Everyone should have one of these.
With the heart placed on the other side, on purpose.
Everyone should have one of these.
It's not a matter of heart propaganda.
It's just that one-hearted humans have proved uncapable of loving.
So why not go double in the name of humanity?

Drawing made by Diana.

15 June 2012

The fishing rod heart.

You know those funny movie scenes where two friends go fishing and one of them catches the bigtime killer fish and the other catches a soaked, forgotten pair of slippers?
Well, these scenes are now officially overworn.
Use your imagination if you fancy fishing some of this.

Thanks to Giannis for fishing this off a Facebook page.

14 June 2012

The marble heart.

Where do marbles come from? Where are their colours born? Even if you told me, I wouldn't much care. But I'd listen to make you happy.

13 June 2012

The butterfly heart.

Endless colour variations.

And behind all these beautiful traits, the one and most obvious thing above all are the wing shapes.

12 June 2012

The top-wear heart.

Miss E got her haircut. She put on her skirt and hearty top, some hearty shoes too. She wore no make up at all when she left her house to go for a walk. Although Miss E looks quite dreadful without make up on, she knew that no one would be noticing her face on that particular day. It was aaaaall' bout the top, you see.

Drawing made by Diana.

11 June 2012

A young girl's heart.

"Now that I found it, all I gotta do is catch it!"

And off she went...

8 June 2012

The prince's heart - VERSION I.

Once upon a time there was a frog who had a marvellous and life-twisting dream.
He dreamnt he was a prince until a witch cast a spell on him and turned him into a frog.
So excited he got that when he woke up he spread the rumour of his dream determined to make a life out of it.
Many girls crossed oceans and deserts to visit him for a kiss.
And how each of them hoped they'd be the ones to break the spell and live a life of luxury.

The frog never found the one and on his deathbed he sat satisfied.
The sweetness of the world he'd tasted on his lips.
And he was the first frog in amphibian history to really live his dream.

7 June 2012

The prince's heart - VERSION II.

The sweetest gift a nightingale can give to a prince statue is a heart.
And then, they both live happily ever after.

6 June 2012

A voter's heart.

Spiritual leaders, little one.
If you don't like adjectives, by all means, change it:
Leaders with spirit. The kind of spirit that has the force to seduce you with trust. 

When they come, you'll know by their actions.

5 June 2012

The palm hearts.

Eleven tiny hearts gathered to discuss about how to line up on the heart line of a palm.

And who would believe it,  there  were arguments! There were frowns and there were sighs and all sorts of coloured disagreements.

The smallest heart, well known for being claustrophobic wanted to be the one nearest to the index finger. So they let her go first and lead the way.

The following three hearts were triplets. Born with non existent time difference, they were renowned in the finger world for always sticking together. So they went next.

The fifth heart was spoilt from birth and always had things done her own way. She assumed the fifth place was hers because the triplets were her dearest friends.

The sixth heart was mean, selfish and cold. Getting a place in the middle of the heart line meant she'd shiver less than the others when destiny's winds blew over.

The seventh and eighth hearts had met each other on  a different palm a few years earlier. They'd gotten along straight away and were ever so merry. They just knew how to blend in with the crowds.

The ninth heart was the quieter one. Although she didn't want to be placed near the end of the line, she tolerated her anger through keeping quiet and counting backwards from ten to one.

The last two hearts were a couple. Whatever happened, in whichever palm they travelled through time, they always wanted to be at the end of the heart line. It is afterall, the most 'grande' place if you want some privacy or if you wish to leave all that heart line nonsense behind.   
They say the heart line on your right palm can say many things about you. What kiind of person you are when it comes to relationships.

But the eleven tiny hearts knew well. That throughout their long lasting career, they never showed the truth on any palm. They all compromised. For a job and some shelter.

4 June 2012

The priest heart.

Day of the Holy Spirit today.

So loud is the confusion between Gods. In the very core of it, where the real noise begins, a listener sweats over a need for understanding.

The ultimate truth is certainly out there. It is so pretentious that the faces that claim to know it are many.  The faces give truth names, they dress truth in colours, they enrich it with art, wall paintings and paganistic statues.

And we pray. We pray while still not knowing who we really are and what texture our deep insides are made of. 

3 June 2012

The fruit ball heart.

It stood out.
Among the apples, pears, grapes and satsumas, that one stood out.
It has no real taste.
But if it did, it would be the queen in the kingdom of the fruits.

Drawing made by Diana.

2 June 2012

The head heart. 

Think with your brain. Then consider thinking twice. Think with your heart. For a drop of humanism.

1 June 2012

The sand heart.

Are there, really, more ways to show your love in the summer?

Thanks to Anthi + Spyros for the photo.