14 May 2012

Maurice's hearts.

butterflies in one's stomach: a nervous feeling in one's stomach.

Maurice couldn't sleep all night.
He kept thinking about his first date.

Colours changed in the sky.
Clouds melted away towards other continents.
Mosquitoes tip-toed by his bedside.

At dawn, he made his bed, wore his flip flops and strolled down the beach.
Claudine was there, waiting under the cantine shade.
Maurice had butterflies in his stomach as each step made reality inescapable.
And then, suddenly, he froze with nervoussness. What if he could think of nothing to say to her? What if she got bored?
"Hi", she whispered.
Maurice smiled. His lips stretched, his mouth opened, his teeth showed, and behind them, a red looking substance was making its way out. Minutes before spitting it out, Maurice could feel it forming shapes that tickled his gums.
And then, ahh then, he saw. They saw all those perfectly formed hearts popping out from the spaces in between his teeth and the rest of his mouth.
There was so much more love to give in the years to come.

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