28 September 2012

The queen heart.

Kingdom queens, music queens, fashion queens. They can all secretly touch whaterver they like. But with a heart to show, they look more timid.

Pre-heart image found on a wall in the centre of Athens.

27 September 2012

The tattoo heart.

Vie is a chatter box, a flirt, a mad big spender. With golden spoons, porcelain tea pots and vintage beds covered with vail. Vie is a tease, a laugh, a catchy concept. Vie likes flowers, the changing seasons, the wrinkled hands, the photo frames. Vie knows how to hate and how to kill. But Vie knows better how to hide all weapons, dress in pink and dance away the worries in rose gardens and fountain drops. Ahhh. Vie is so large. She's like a song, a great belief, eternal pose. That's only if you know what I am talking about and truly see la vie en rose...

26 September 2012

The conception heart.

Something's cooking in the womb.
Throw spices, add spices, stir with a sperm looking spoon, simmer and taste.

Drawing made by Alexis.

25 September 2012

The rooster heart.
Mr. Rooster, Mr. Cock, was born black like ash.
His feathers, erect and unbent like tree branches.
His face was long like a stretched out bean.
An object of laughter and bullying in the community, Mr. Rooster had a pretty tough life. Securing his pride and manly force took him a long time. 
Since his birth, he'd only been accepted by one. Since his birth, Mr. Rooster's been in love. And now, he's old and mature enough to get married.

24 September 2012

The Purple Rain heart.

Just before the great jump, the heart was in a state of trance. There was a scream coming from the purple rain..

Dancing away with the scream, off it went in the wetness. Drop after drop, the little heart felt the freedom expanding in its chest. A chest so wide, full of forrest air, oxygen and herbal scents from the autumn grounds.

The chest was freedom.
Freedom in the purple rain.

23 September 2012

The Amorgos heart.

One of the most beautiful islands of the Cyclades in the Aegean sea. Breathtaking view. And when you don't look up, you might as well look down. And see this.

Thanks to Vicky for the picture.

22 September 2012

The abstract table heart.

I eye my leg with a horse bone. My foot stays still on the moving earth. My breath smells of punk junk and two days ago someone knocked on my head to tell me I was standing next to myself. I told them to piss off and drew more lines on my spine. I munch wood and take naps on half eaten tables. I am nobody and I know it. Whoever thinks of being somebody is nobody.

In all my madness, one is certain. That I have a heart.

Drawing made by Diana.

21 September 2012

The street girl heart.

I found this girl during one of my strolls in Athens. She got my attention because she was screaming out strange stuff, incoherent, random. Like sentences made up of words that don't exist in any dictionary, words which were put together to form sentences that had no meaning to us, the passers by. So I took her home. I gave her a heart. And the most brilliant thing happened. She now talks the same way. Except that I understand her.

20 September 2012

The 'welcome home' mat heart.

A place for feet to step on, say hello, and enter.

Heart mat found in an Athens shop.

19 September 2012

The toilet rug heart.

A place for wet feet to dry.

Heart rug found in an Athens shop.

18 September 2012


The loveboat hearts.

This is not a peaceboat. It's a loveboat. In peace, people try to be friendly with each other. Loving is a very different concept where peace is included. Also. In a loveboat, people who find mutual liking, touch each other. Sometimes peacefully. This also doesn't happen with peace.

Drawing made by Diana.

17 September 2012

The pirate heart.

If you feel like laughing coz this pirate looks like a pussy, think twice. This is Santarosa. He saved a mother and a daughter. He also killed a bad guy. He was like the Robin Hood of the oceans. Right. I won't tell you anymore now coz you'll start dreaming about him saving you too and he's only got time for me.

Drawing made by Diana.

16 September 2012


The maze heart.

Can you help Lou find the right path and get to her heart?

15 September 2012


The bunny valley hearts.

The two little bunnies munch heart leaves every morning, afternoon, evening and night. Then they go cuddle up and go to sleep till sunrise. A new day begins. They do the same.

Picture taken from a Greek painter painting.

14 September 2012


The bench hearts.

Eastbourne, in the south of England near Brighton, is a beautiful place. My friend Tim comes from Eastbourne. Once, I went to visit him and we went for a walk near the beach. The long wooden path was full of lined up benches next to each other. Of dead people. Each bench was dedicated to a dead couple. We sat on one that said ''Mary & Jim''. We looked at the distant horizon, the sea, the seagulls and the pier. Just like Mary and Jim.

Drawing made by Diana.

12 September 2012


Mr. Childhood's heart.

Oh, hello there, Mr. Childhood.

You live by the sun, you are mates with the birds.
Your life is bananas, you hear whispers through your fins.
You think of balloons, you paint dwarfs in fairytales.
You show up in parties with notorious butterfly gangs, you all sip flower coctails with gummy-melting straws till your cheeks get so rosy like blossomed flower petals.
You don't mind people, Mr. Childhood, you make friends in no time.
You sunbathe on the beach and you dream of watermelon fields.

Well, and if you can't speak Mr. Childhood, that's fine.
Stop looking at your mouth, little Mister, just look at the stars.
Take action in your hands, you need no words for that, history says.

11 September 2012


The Wild Mushroom heart.

This Wild Mushroom is made of clay. It grows on city plants and promises to never go away. Unless you find it not to be in harmony with the city environment. In which case you'll take it out of the city plant, break it to pieces and throw it in the rubbish bin because you think it has nothing to offer.

Damn, but it does have something to offer. Can't you see?

10 September 2012


The eye pupil heart.

The only way to deal with reality is this. So stop weeping. There's a child in you that knows how different things were at that age of innocence.

9 September 2012

Mr. Wood's heart.

Hey, Mr. Woodcutter. Just letting you know that Mr. Wood wants to let you know that he hates you. I transfer this message on his behalf. Why, you must wonder. Well, coz Mr. Wood is now dead.

8 September 2012


The Secret Wardrobe heart keys.

These keys fit but you don't really need them if you feel like taking a look inside the wardrobe.

And it's not at all like in the movie where the little girl goes in and steps out on a whole different world full of witches, bad spirits and snow.

Here, the doors slide and you find yourself facing a man made crypt that fits only people the size of your hand. If you push your whole arm inside the crypt, your fingers will soon touch a hairy ground. You'll straight away think it feels disgusting but that's only coz you won't be able to see the little place at all. Think of the hairy part as a patch of greenish fake grass. Work your fingers round the space until you find some kind of toy. You'll know it's a toy because it will have wheels and it will be made of plastic.

Pull it out carefully and dust it. If you haven't grown too old, try playing with it. If you can't figure out how to play with it, ask someone younger than you for directions of use. Don't phrase it this way though - ''Directions of use''. Phrase it differently, something like "Can you show me how to play with this toy?'' This way you won't scare kids off and they'll think you are their age, just a bit heavier and bigger in size, something like a giant human.

After you play with it for a while, sit down and take a breath. Did you have fun?

If you decide you had fun, go back to the wardrobe, put your arm through the crypt and repeat what you did before.

What's your next toy gonna be like, I wonder?

7 September 2012

Patissia sign heart.

Random letters, coloured swears. Keep in mind that turning right is all you need on this fairly small street in the centre of Athens. And a last minute add: do it with love before another one goes weed picking.

6 September 2012


Small boobies' heart.

Unidentified tit heart is looking for medium built body to fit in. Clay transforms into real flesh once the pasting is done.

Piece made by Boobie-Lover.

5 September 2012


Big boobies' heart.

Mature woman, a confident loner for a while now.
Been through a lot, masters good tricks n quality play.
Never fakes pleasure, gives no damn for cash,
No prosthetic surgery, she's what she's got.
She likes to swear, she's eloquent.
Now, this whole package, is quite rare.

Piece made by Boobie-Lover. 

4 September 2012


The cow heart.

Someone very close to me told me that on this drawing, I should have drawn the head heart the other way round with the tip of the heart being the start of the head. I think the cow would have been very dissappointed as its already autumn and she likes to look up.

3 September 2012


The toilet floor heart.

Have you ever been to a toilet?

Have you ever been to a toilet with a star-flowery floor and a love-me note in it?

The eternal question still remains: Were they loved?

1 September 2012


The 3 Dragon heart.

This heart was claimed by three powerful master dragons.

After years of conquering and escalating death numbers on the battlefields, the three sides came to a generous decision. The front line fighters of the three kingdoms were to be spared from the War of the Heart and sent to other trivial grounds. The back line troops were sent back to the interior grounds of the kingdoms. The aim was for the three master dragons to be left alone on this historically significant fight.  

On the day of the battle, the three of them started devouring the heart grounds, chopping off pieces, spitting out pips and scratching each other with their sharp nails in a dire need to eat as much heart as possible. The master dragon with the fastest and largest appetite was to be crowned the winner and sole occupier of the heart.

The battle is on going, digestion is galloping, the heart is slowly disappearing, its sacred grounds are vanishing from the face of dragon earth, another catastrophe is unfolding, for once again, the power will be left alone with gaping mouths staring.

And when this war is over nothing will be left. Not a dot of the heart. Let alone ethics. Just fat stomachs and neverending greediness.