12 January 2014

The cooked heart.

With chinese lettuce and spicy tom-yum paste.

But I don't wanna talk bout the recipe here.
Wanna talk bout melting.

"Melt" is the most beautiful word in english language.

Melt is Hot.
Heat essential  when cooking.
The insides of heart expand.
Meat soft becomes.
High temperature burns the outside, bubbles form, like bubble-gum bubbles.
Bubbles become big, bigger, huge, gigantic, and poof, they explode scattering heart particles in the inside of oven.
It's a warm feeling, joy, relief, when you know heart is in warm place.
Most hearts in cold places.
Most hearts not served on plates.
People don't offer them. People keep them for themselves.
If you offer your heart for eating, dangerous. Risky.
Maybe you never get it back. Someone takes your heart and eats everything, even licks scattered bubble particles in oven.
Maybe you get it back because person doesn't wanna eat your heart but only wants to keep it warm.
Maybe person who wants your heart forgets heart in oven. And heart is burnt.
Idiot who wanna be chefs.
Nice but damn people.
Lovely, bright people.
How would all these people treat heart? Your heart?
This is not about heart.
This is about heat, you know wat I mean?
Melting comes with heat. Heat.

Coz it gets so hot sometimes HERE, that meanings get lost, words get mixed up, nouns want to be adjectives, exlclamation marks wanna replace question marks. HERE, nothing makes sense.

This is possibly why half of what I've tried to tell you has already melted.

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